Interest rates have continued to cause distress to many homeowners across the UK. Headlines of house prices dropping have grabbed people’s attention.
But what is the full picture? Our monthly snapshot gives you an insight into everything you need to know and allows us to show you how we hunt the right mortgage for you.
Getting professional advice before making any decisions is more important than ever and that is why we are hosting a series of free pop-up mortgage advice surgeries across Shropshire – we may even have a free donut for you too!
Our monthly snapshot allows you to see the trends and figures across the mortgage industry and gives an insight into the work we do to hunt down the right mortgage for you and why we do what we do.
Our team at our offices in Telford, Shropshire support you from start to finish on your mortgage journey and ensure you know the decision you make is the right one for you.
You can find our previous monthly snapshots here…