A new mortgage advisory firm has been launched in Telford as people across the country face further price hikes and struggle to get on the property ladder.
Nathan Blissett has launched Dwello Mortgages as part of his plans to transition from the football pitch as a professional footballer but he still plans to keep his foot on the ball for a few more seasons yet!
He is supported by a team of experienced non-executives including Mike Rose, Simon Lloydbottom, Manuel Heinke and Oliver Wadlow, who all bring a wealth of business knowledge and expertise to the table.
Nathan, Founder and Principal Mortgage Adviser at Dwello Mortgages, played for several clubs from childhood after following in his uncle’s footsteps – former England player, Luther Blissett.
Dwello Mortgages has ambitious plans to expand across the country but firstly have chosen Telford as their headquarters based in St James’ House on Central Park.
Nathan said: “The mortgage market is confusing and ever-changing for people who are busy and often then bury their heads. They are often scaremongered and then make the wrong decisions or no decisions!
“Dwello is here to be that trusted guide in personal finance – we will ensure the process is easy to understand and smooth for our clients and most importantly we will get the best mortgage deal for them.
“As a team we aren’t afraid of long hours, hard work and challenging the market – every day literally is a new day in the mortgage world.
“We all live in Shropshire and surrounding areas, with many of the team working on national and international projects in the finance industry, so Telford was the obvious choice to launch and base our HQ here on our home turf.”
Nathan, who has joined Shropshire Chamber of Commerce to support, collaborate and learn from fellow business owners, said it was an exciting time for the borough due to the commercial and residential developments across Telford.
“Telford has a fantastic and dynamic business community and an ever-growing population.
“Our offering means we can really help and guide people locally with mortgages; right at a time when some will need it most.
“Telford is very close to my heart as I’ve lived in the region a long time and I know how passionate and welcoming the community are through my connection with football in the county,” he added.
Dwello offers mortgage and protection advice for residential, buy to let and remortgage purposes and focuses on creating ‘Yes’ from mortgage and protection providers as they explore the market fearlessly on behalf of customers.
To find out how Nathan can help you email Info@dwellomortgages.com, visit www.dwellomortages.com or follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn @dwellomortgages