Thinking of moving home
There could be a number of reasons why you might consider moving home, whether it’s your first step on the property ladder, or moving in with a partner, through to seeking more space for a growing family or downsizing, now that the kids have places of their own. Whatever the reason behind the move, each one is a significant step in life, and needs to be undertaken with care and guidance along the way.
Preparing for your house move
Once your offer has been accepted and the solicitors are beginning their checks, it’s a great time to start preparing for your move. Planning and organisation are the secrets to a relaxing, stress-free move – create lists, or spreadsheets, or colour-coded labels – whatever your system, but organisation is key.
Consider also a few key elements –
Phone line/broadband – try to make some advance planning and arrangements to get this set up for the moving day, make advance bookings so that you are not left for long without phone or broadband service.
Change of address – contact the Post Office in advance of your move to make them aware and set up a mail redirection service. Think of any major companies you deal with to also change any pre-saved addresses too.
Meter readings – before you leave your old property behind, take readings and photographs of the utility devices to keep a record to allow you to pay your final bills with your utility providers before moving to the new property.
Removal plans – plan ahead to see if you can cope with moving yourself or entrusting the move to a team of professionals. Scope out van hire costs, availability and any friends or family willing to muck in and lend a hand, or whether the higher costs of a removal firm outweigh any stresses and strains.
Packing tips
Here’s how you can try and pack as efficiently as possible:
Materials – you’ll need a variety of packing materials, including bubble wrap, strong boxes, sticky tape, brown tape and paper (but avoid newspaper, as this can leave ink prints on your belongings).
Even weight distribution – try to pack boxes with heavier items at the bottom and lighter at the top to help reduce any back injuries to yourself or the removal team.
Colour coding – Use coloured labels to code the house by room, (e.g. kitchen is blue, living room is yellow etc) and put the relevant sticker on the box with the relevant contents in it.
Fragile labelling – pack your delicate, fragile breakables together and add prominent ‘fragile’ labels to indicate extra care is required moving the box.
Moving Checklist – Here are some general things to consider when moving.
Six weeks before
• Confirm the date of your move
• Get quotes from removals companies
• Book extra storage space, if needed
• Clear out any belongings you don’t need
• Start packing items that you don’t use frequently
• Notify utility companies that you’re moving
• Organise insurance for your new home
Four weeks before
• Fill out official change of address form at the Post Office
• Inform doctors, dentists, banks etc. of your move
• Book your pets into the kennels/cattery if it’ll make things easier and less stressful for them
• If you have children, consider arranging a babysitter to look after them on moving day
• Check in with estate agents to confirm your moving date hasn’t changed
Two weeks before
• Continue packing non-essential items
• Inform milkman, newspaper delivers, window cleaners etc. of your move
• Finalise arrangements with removals company, if using one
• Arrange a time to collect the keys to your new home
• Start using up items in freezer
One week before
• Give gas and electric companies final notice of your move
• Change TV license over to avoid being fined
• Empty kitchen cupboards
• Deep clean the house
Night before
• Finish all packing
• Put together a moving day survival kit
• Clear out fridge and freezer
• Charge phone
Moving day
• Make sure you have your survival kit to hand and it’s not been packed with everything else
• Final checks to make sure you’ve not forgotten anything
• Say your final goodbyes to your home!
• Take the keys to the estate agents